Monday, January 07, 2008

Simple truth

She had expected Erieannan to do something reckless. Leave immediately. Yell at her. Threaten.

Yet, he had just laid back, staring at the ceiling, which he could not actually see in the dark.

" I had never hidden', he muttered. " Everything I did was stated out openly. The Shadow Moon have not - at least not willingly - hurt any innocents...I even tried to temper Sylvanas a little, but our Dark Lady is moody these days".

" Alliance...!" he added as anger started to build up in his tone. " Self sufficient humans that believe that, because their city is the only one around that hadn't been razed by the Plague, they have the right to portray themselves as defenders of the Light! A bunch of cowards, too scared to fight when the undead ravaged Lordaeron and Quel'Thalas! Gnomes and dwarfs, more preoccupied of safeguarding their trades and crafting than the lives of the people of these lands...Do you think they care about what few survivors still leave out there, in the north? And our oh-so-noble brethren the Kaldorei. Shunning us all for mistakes made ten thousand years ago! Immortality's a real burden, one could say...Now they've sacrificed that and would want the entire world to bow low to them and bring them praise? Your own kin, barely landed on Azeroth...and finding worthy allies..."

"The Scarlet Crusade, up there, in the Plaguelands, utterly decided to safeguard pure and untouched souls by total extinction...'

" These are the men you want me to be afraid of? Run and hide under the ground,for fear that they might hunt me down, for doing what they should be doing too...what do they imagine? That the one on the Frozen Throne sleeps? As long as the Scourge still taints these lands, he'll have only to make a gesture and Stormwind may become only a memory...!"

There was sarcasm in his words and Laandra had acknowledged it without any comment, tears now flowing freely on her cheeks. She knew the sobs will betray her, but she didn't even care anymore.

All had been so frustrating and painful ever since she had meet him.

Torn apart, between dividing faiths, her own beliefs and the twisted reality this man was. A Sin'dorei and a warlock. Consorting with demons. His soul scarred by all the trials he'd been through. Yet, caring and affectionate, in an almost impossible way.

She had tried to forget.To go away.But fate seemed to push her towards him, closer and closer, until there was no escape, no way in which she could choose without having to sacrifice something.

The Hand of Argus or Eireannan Saralonde. As plain as that.

" If that was supposed to scare me away", Eireannan suddenly said, "then try harder."

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