Thursday, January 03, 2008


Leaving Azuremyst this time, Laandra did not look back.

After two not so restful nights spent at Azure Watch inn, she had packed back neatly her belongings in less than an hour.

Not that she had much things to worry about...a couple of clean shirts, some food and drink and a rich assortment of bandages, potions and herbs. All tugged in her weathered backpack, along with some other rubbish and some spare mageweave.

She had managed, in the last two days to get a good grip of herself. Oh, it hadn't been easy. But once the first outburst of anger gone, she had composed herself enough to face Vaalatu's inquiries concerning her troubled state. She had, upon arrival considered sharing her feelings and worries with the elder Draenei...her best friend and almost like a mother. Yet, Laandra discovered she couldn't.

Not because she were ashamed.

What she felt was a mixture of loneliness and sadness and burning desire to see him again, all multiplied by the guiltiness of sliding even a footstep away from the path she had chosen. They had met by accident, yet she let things escape out of control. And now she felt angry at herself for not being able to forget it. A one night adventure only. In Light's name, it happened all over Azeroth! Well,not so often with one's sworn enemies, though...

She couldn't tell Vaalatu because the elder woman would have probably frowned upon her choice, no matter how tolerant she was.

She would have suspected corruption in herself, and Laandra knew it would have been only fair. How to even try to explain what it had felt like to be there, with him...and all the pain, all the tremendous suffering she'd shared with Erieannan Saralonde that night, the connection between them going far beyond the bodies, to the very roots of her she had opened herself allowing him to drain on her magic.

She shrugged, folding the last of the shirts and tugging it away into the backpack.

No, not an innocent lamb at all, she'd done it perfectly aware, nearly forcing it on him, as he struggled to refrain.

Now try to explain that to your righteous friends, Laandra dear.

Well, she could live with that. Worse was only the fact that now she was the one chosen to go and spy on him, hunt him down all over the Plaguelands, as requested by their allies.

"Damn me if there's not the hand of the Scarlet Crusade behind this", she muttered.

It didn't matter. At least she felt content that she had never been to the Plaguelands before. A dangerous place that was. Months could easily pass until she reached Erieannan or even had any news of him. Time in which, Laandra dearly hoped, she would be able to figure out a way to avoid betraying him, or the Hand.

This time leaving was easy. To return was going to be hard.

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