Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Call of fire

Laandra Seth'aran, Mage of the Hand of Argus.

It had come quite naturally, since she did not really have any inclination for the arts of pure combat. Of course, she would have liked to be a healer, a holy priest or a shaman, but her real inclination was towards the elemental powers and she could still remember the moment when Vaalatu had stopped her when passing by in the streets of Azure Watch.
“ There is something about you, little one”, Vaalatu said, in her soft tone, “that makes me think you could make a great mage. You’re now old enough to start your training…and I could help you, if you wish…”
“You’re too kind”, Laandra answered, trying not to let her surprise overwhelm her. For long had she been conscious of the magical energies flowing inside of her, at times like a wave urging for release, at others like an unending thirst which no water could quench. Yet, she had tried to suppress these as there was no time to think about anything else but survival, tending to the wounded, helping the weak, gathering useful remains from the ship wreckage or even hunting for food in the green hills of Azuremyst. Her entire life span around her purpose to help. With no family and barely any friends with which to share her loneliness and fears, Laandra clung desperately to the daily routine.
Vaalatu was studying her intently.
“So, what say you, Laandra?”
She blushed under her soft, light blue skin, lowered her eyes and barely found the courge to answer.
“ Yes” she mumbled in half voice. “ That would be wonderful, to train with you”. She liked Vaalatu, she was an outspoken, nice woman, always helpful and a seemingly unending source of potions for the wounded.
“Then it is settled, as of now you are my apprentice”, Vaalatu said. “Be warned that the way of a mage is not easy. Extensive study and even more exercise is necessary to be able to control those energies you so abundantly possess. You will have to learn how to release them without allowing them to consume yourself. The powers of the elements will be at your fingertips but forget one second of the absolute balance that the Universe is built on and you will unleash tremendous destruction…”

"Forget one moment who you truly are and you will end up in this sort of mess I am in", Laandra told to her self angrily, while crossing the Seat of the Naaru. The city was quiet around her, with few people in the halls, if any at all. The young Vindicator walked by her side, still maintaining a respectful distance. He had not try to engage her in any conversation and Laandra felt grateful for it. She needed to focus on her inner self and emotions, trying to surpress all those that could cloud her judgment. The Prophet wouldn't have called her for nothing.

The young Vindicator stopped at the foot of the stairs that led to Velen's chambers, in the Vault of Lights. Laandra nodded to him with a smile and started climbing. The confident look on her face felt like a mask, hastily applied and ready to break.

Velen was waiting for her. Laandra passed by th guards and went to kneel respectfuly in front of the Prophet. Not surprisingly, he helped her up. Velen the Divine did not need this sort of humility from any of his followers.

"So you are back, young one", he greeted her. " Story of your courageous deeds reached the Exodar since you left."

" I have tried, your Highness..." And failed to myself, she sadly thought.

"I had you called in such a rush because of some news I have received from our allies."

Laandra forced herself to swallow.

" I am honored, your Highness."

" Lady Thelaana will explain you the details later. But I want you to know it is an assignment of the highest importance."

" I will do my best to prove my self worthy of your trust."

Why the insidous feeling that something was utterly wrong? Even later, when the audience was over and she had left the Vault of Lights to find Master Sergeant Thelaana back in the Seat of the Naaru, the ominous premonition did not leave her for a moment.

Lady Thelaana looked at her a bit disappointed, when Laandra gave her the usual greeting used by the members of the Hand.

" So you are Laandra Seth'aran", she said briskly. " I suppose you came to learn of you new assignment. The Prophet himself chose you, since you have been of great use in the past...and because of you good connections in Stormwind..."
Despite the words, Laandra was aware that the other Draenei was not at all content with Velen's choice. A mage, instead of one of her proud Vindicators! However, she hid her disappointment well as she continued.

" Apparently there is a new faction rising in the Eastern Plaguelands and our allies are worried about it. They asked us for help to investigate its whereabouts, since we are skilled in the ways of the light and apparently less prone to succumb to the corruption of those lands."

" Your mission is to go there and see what you can find out about this Shadowmoon group... From the little we know, they are mostly blood elves, but also humans and Forsaken as well. Demon summoners and fel priests... She shrugged, slightly disgusted. Their leader is said to be a blood elf warlock..."

Cold. It felt cold. Her heart skipped a beat or two, then it rushed forward, making Laandra dizzy, knees badly shaking.

..." Erieannan Saralonde..."

The only thing Laandra could manage was a small nod, as she prayed not to faint there. Fate was really mocking her those days.

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