Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Night whispers

"Two more days...That's all that I'm asking for..."

Damn Erieannan for his choice of travel routes, Laandra thinks, as she surveys their surroundings with a critical eye.

No more enemies in sight.

Well, being ambushed by the Syndicate upon Nortfolk Manor isn't the worse thing she'd actually been through her life. She can still remember the terrifying moments spent with the worgen of Ashenvale.

They have fought in silence, as the night draws closer,curtains of mist draping the peaks of the mountains. Annoying is only the fact that Eireannan tried to cover for her, keeping her as far from danger as it was humanly possible, while Laandra wanted a fair share of the battle for herself. He kept pushing her back and she kept escaping the protective range of his Voidwalker, to find better spots to blast.

She had even managed to scare him, as she had engaged two enemies at one time and Erieannan thought for a second she was going to be overwhelmed, before he couldreach her side. But Laandra skilfully rooted the assassins in place with a frost nova, then finished them off quickly, as their blades failed to reach her, only tearing at her sleeve.

"Now it is you that is not in the right mind!" he yells, covering the whispers of the wind.

" I know", Laandra smiles. She leans against him, savoring the moment of quietness, the oh-so-perverted feeling of satisfaction that follows all fights as adrenaline starts to wear off. "I'm no weak woman, as you seem to think, Eireannan Saralonde..."

"You're more of hazard", he agrees, with a small smile.

She is not afraid of unleashing her own power to the fullest. Unlike him.

But then, there is no evil darkness within, luring her, tempting her with every passing second.

"Take some more. Feed you endless hunger. Be one of us."

He sheaths his sword, brushing off some dust from his dark cloak.

"Do I scare you?" Laandra laughs.

Erieannan doesn't answer. His right arm slides to her back, to draw her closer - a casual gesture, but she stumbles in surprise and almost falls over him...their bodies now pressed against each other. Dizziness overwhelms her, making the world spin, and the only support she finds is only to lean even closer to Eireannan, her hands wrapping themselves around his neck. He holds her tight and kisses her...so easy since they almost have the same stature and Laandra drifts again, then sighs against his lips, shaking under the violence of her own emotions.

" Erian..."

She tugs at his shirt with something like an insatiable urge, then she bites his neck, making him let out an incredulous sound.

" Take it all away", she whispers, feeling him tense under her rushed, almost cruel touch.

"It's bad", he says, trying to hold back his mind from her words, her pleading tone. Trying to resist the craving need to just delve greedily into her life force.

"But it feels so good", Laandra answers and Erieannan feels the stream of magic energy flooding him, better than anything he has tasted...oh,Light, better than the Sunwell itself. He's used to drawing what he needs from other beings in pain, but she gives it up willingly and it's sheer ecstasy as their bodies melt together.

" I - wanted-you", he whispers. "From the first moment I've seen you. I wanted to hold you like I do now..."

And it is true.

Even if it's hard to admit.

She makes him feel alive. So much so that he keeps telling to himself it is a dream. Pain is going to follow soon. It always does.

He remembers Niniel, as she lays in the blood-soaked grass, her body spread into a grotesque position. They've torn her open with their chains and raw blades and all that remains is a mass of flesh and organs, impossible to look at. Even her so beautiful face has been smashed by a careless blow. Shattered bones mix with blood and it all lays down there, in front of him, as he stares at it, unable to even picture her alive...

That's the worst thing of all.

It's hard to believe this broken...thing...had ever been alive, smiling, laughing, warm and sweet, his lover...

He tries to remember that her spirit still dwells, untouched in its beauty.

All that is made of flesh returns to dust, sooner or later.

But it feels empty and strange and he just stays there and looks at her, wishing he were dead too and saw nothing of it...

Laandra feels Eireannan's hands as they tense on her shoulders. There's suddenly that haunted expression on his face and his eyes seem to darken, as he watches somewhere beyond her.

She does not know what he sees, but she can imagine, after the horrors he's shared with her last night.

" I'm just so-scared-to-loose-you..."

And the words flow into the night like birds, as they lay in the soft grass, their bodies still entwined.

" I am here", she murmurs. " I will be safe..."

Oh, and the heart ache, for she cannot promise. She cannot even promise that she will return.

"Wherever the path of Light winds, it sometimes hurts", Laandra thinks, lost in his scent and his warmth. "We all do what we must...but how can we always know what has to be done?"


The same bitter sweet suffering that makes want to scream now...

Wind rustling through the trees.


So many of them...

And so many lies.

Looking down at her hands, feeling the tension built inside her own twisted self...as she walks down the path into the wood...and there are hungry creatures there, waiting for the reckless traveler to make a feast...

So then, she thinks, as the agony in her mind reaches its culminating point...let the fires burn...

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