Wednesday, January 09, 2008


I stay in front of Prophet Velen, my hands humbly crossed into my lap.

He made me rise from where I knelt and sit down, on one of the high-back chairs, while he's taken the other.

The only thing I can stare at are my fingers.But the Prophet slowly extends a hand and raises my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes.

Here in the Vault of Lights, my entire madness seems to far away and I feel ashamed of myself. My weakness.

" I failed you", I say, my voice trembling. I really did.

" You remembered to say the truth", Velen answers, "and that is what matters most, my child".

" I understand this...assignment is too much to ask of you, right now..." He stops for a second, then nods, thoughtfully.

" And this men...this Sin'dorei...he may not be so deep fallen yet so as not to hope for redemption..."

Velen taught us to forgive our enemies. He didn't say anything about falling in love with them, though. But I can see no resentment in his eyes, no hidden reproach, everything there is clear and simple and beautiful, as the light of a new day...

" There is Light for all those that search for it...and sometimes even for those that don't".

Relief. As if a burden was just taken from my shoulders.

I don't expect complete forgiveness and I am ready to accept whatever punishment Velen would decide. Spend years up on Bloodmyst with nothing to do but chase up spiders.

Never see Erieannan again.

Even if that is so hard to conceive I cannot even think of it now.

In the end, I am not a betrayer.

Just a bit lost.

" Tread carefully", he tells me, before letting me go...

...and I wonder what this means, as I dreamily make my way through the seat of the Naaru and outside of the Exodar, under the blue, clean sky of Azuremyst Isle.

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