Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Onwards to Ashenvale

Stripes, the mist saber sprang forward, as if glad to find herself at last back to her lands, far from the desolated,dead quiet fields of the Plaguelands.

Laandra patted the big cat's head with affection. She was a gift from Raene Wolfrunner herself and had proved a loyal and trustworthy companion in many difficult situations. Leaning against the furry back of the panther, Laandra allowed her to chose her own way through the dense forests of Darkshore, enjoying the ride, the wind that brushed through her untied hair.

The feeling of freedom that had followed during the last few days was tinged with guilt.

Oooh, she missed Eireannan...not his overprotectiveness.

A strange rustle of sound to her right suddenly caught her attention. She took hold of the reins to make Stripes stop, then quickly dismounted, leading her towards the thick overgrown bushes.

"You stay here", she whispered, and the huge panther lay down in the soft grass, with something like a satisfied purr.

Laandra allowed herself half a smile, before sliding further, through the thorny bushes, to the place from where the sound had come. She wore some plain hunter outfit, her mage robes packed away with the rest of her possessions. She would do that whenever she could, enjoying the simplicity of Kaldorei clothing.

The sounds were now incantation, maybe? she wondered, as she perched under some branches, on a small mound of earth, to look over.

Right in front of her, the awe inspiring look of Master's Glaive, as she remembered it from the times before. A sacred place, her Kaldorei friends had told her. Yet now, under the massive sword pinned inside the rock skull, there was a shadowy altar, with some thirty figures gathered around.

She could distinguish humans, orcs, dwarves and even forsaken. A quite interesting assembly, Laandra thought, craning her neck to see better.

Performing some dark ritual, definitely.

For a second she was tempted to approach and discover what it was about.

She counted them again, thoughtfully.

Thirty two.

She crawled slowly forward, using the terrain to her advantage, to cover all trace of her presence. The incantation was now louder, ominously sounding, and from what she could see, there was blood on the altar, slowly trickling to the ground.

Not good at all, Laandra thought, her gaze trailing over the gloomy surrounding. Careful not to make any sound, she crawled back towards the road and Stripes, hoping her presence had remained unnoticed.

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