Monday, December 31, 2007

Laandra's memories (1)

Laandra did not remember much of her life before the crash of the Exodar. Of course, stories of the Outland and the siege on Tempest Keep were being shared among all the Draenei survivors, but apart from that bit of collective history, her mind was void.
Her only vivid memory was waking up in a pile of wreckage. She had wandered for a while, back and forth, calling out for anyone that might hear her. She vaguely knew that she probably had a family, mother, father or siblings that must have been still there, buried under some rocks or fallen trees. There was a fire all around, a strange blaze, emitting from the broken crystals but she found no living soul. In the end she had just collapsed somewhere, her spirit leaving her body for a while, away from the pain of blistered skin and broken bones…

When she woke up again she laid on a warm blanket. She wore a clean, simple, white robe and the pain had for long subsided. Struggling to remember anything about how she got there, she got up and staggered away Fighting dizziness, she saw lines of unconscious bodies surrounding her, all laying on grey, soft -looking blankets.
The sight scared her. Maybe her family were somewhere there too. But did she really have a family? She could not remember it, so, instead of investigating the wounded, she staggered away, towards the entrance.

Luckily, someone was there. A tall Draenei male which made haste to come towards her, joy temporary softening his otherwise grim expression.

“So you made it. I have watched you closely for the past days. I had a feeling you’ll eventually pull out”.

Laandra looked at him confused. She tried hard to utter anything, but found out she couldn’t. The Draenei took her arm and helped her sit down on a boulder of rock.

“You do remember the crash, do you?” he softly asked her.
Laandra felt her eyes well with tears.
“Yes” she mumbled, relieved to find out that she still could speak. "But nothing else. All is blurred”.
He gave her a small pat on the shoulder and smiled encouragingly.
“Amnesia. We have set up this first aid point here and we tend on those with severe wounds. Meanwhile, all those not too badly injured have started building up some sort of settlements from the remains of Exodar.”
They stood silent for a while and Laandra understood he was just letting the news to sink in.

But she could not make any sense of what he had just said. She just felt lost and scared, longing for a caring embrace, for someone stronger to lean on to. Dropping her hands to her knees she stood motionless for what it had seemed like ages, fighting against tears, forcing herself into awareness. But nothing came out of the mess in her head, only a line of a familiar prayer and she repeated it over and over, hanging desperately on its meaning. “ Light is with me and so I stand in harm’s way and I am not afraid.”

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