Thursday, October 19, 2006

Sunday, October 15, 2006

The other side of the mirror stiu daca asta e titlul, dar m-am gfandit sa fie motto-ul povestii pe care o scriu acum...
o poezie depresiva, ca toate poeziile mele, ca sa se asorteze cu poza de deasupra...

come on, criticize me

Autumn colors holding the world in a passionate embrace
deep inside hear bare footsteps echoing over the stone
searching for the lost
and the beautiful

do not dream of blue of green of trees of flowers
of freedom of love of peace of yourself
just touch this sand with your fingers
and quiet

listen the un-said words
melted in the wind
and the love song I whisper in your ear

as we are passing
in the silent field
death’s blossoming.

Friday, October 13, 2006


Dimineata de octombrie...cerul senin ( din nou) ma face sa ma gandesc cu nostalgie ( amara) la un chiul studentesc...
Pacat, parcul ( Eroilor) era foarte aproape.

In asteptarea activitatii cotidiene, rasfoiesc
Am dat peste o bucata de proza de-a dreptul frumoasa, ce mi-a trezit imaginatia, cu ecouri de Voiculescu si Lord of the Rings ( da, interesanta combinatie)...

Merita citita, cu gandul la aceasta dimineata de toamna frumoasa :

Poate mai tarziu...cand voi evada de stiu, sa vedem...

Thursday, October 05, 2006


On this island alone
shattered windows hold against troubled winds
storming the earth and sea
killing me again
a thousand times

excruciating pain
in my wounded palms

with blind fingers I feel my way
through you

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Chaotic autumn

inversely dig into September sky
spider web
heart tightened into a prison cell
myself into me
falling apart.